The nine-member board meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Cooperative Headquarters in Osceola to set policies and to review operations and financial reports of the cooperative. As stewards of the utility, board members base their decision-making on the seven cooperative principles:
1. Voluntary and open membership
2. Democratic control
3. Members' economic participation
4. Autonomy and independence
5. Education, training and information
6. Cooperation among cooperatives
7. Concern for community
If you have questions or concerns for the Board of Directors, you may email the executive assistant at
Ed White

Ed White
Board President
Representing: District 5
Randy Rouse

Randy Rouse
Board Vice President
Representing: Member Territory At Large
Randy Barnard

Randy Barnard
Board Secretary/
Representing: District 2
Lydda Youmans

Lydda Youmans
Board Treasurer
Representing: District 4

Larry Keller

Larry Keller
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Representing: Member Territory At Large
Zach Robinson

Zach Robinson
Representing: District 7
Cody Miller

Cody Miller
Representing: District 3
Natalie Rydl

Natalie Rydl
Representing: District 1
Liz Beck

Liz Beck
Representing: District 6